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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Trailer Music 3' gave the following results:

3 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in labels:
  1. Themes For Orchestra & Choir 3 (Immediate Music IMCDTOC3)
    3 CD-set. Trailer music produced exclusively for the film studios. This music has never before been available for the public to purchase. Immediate Music has briefly (december 2010) released a small quantity for sale by special arrangement with Imperativa Rec.

11 matches in composers
  1. Classical Music
  2. K.M. Conservatory of Music
  3. Geek Music
  4. Matter Music
  5. Water Music
  6. Orange Music
  7. Music groups Mastodon
  8. John Hardy Music
  9. Music group BORIS
  10. New World Music Performance Group
  11. Bandai Namco Game Music

20225 matches in tracks
  1. Graveyard Shift - Trailer Music (01:25)
    from Best Of Stephen King Vol.1
    Original score for the advance theatrical trailer
  2. Graveyard Shift - Trailer Music (01:25)
    from Shining, The
    Original score for the advance theatrical trailer
  3. Graveyard Shift - Trailer Music (01:25)
    from Misery
    Original score for the advance theatrical trailer
  4. Graveyard Shift - Trailer Music (01:25)
    from Creepshow
    Original score for the advance theatrical trailer
  5. Graveyard Shift - Trailer Music (01:25)
    from Graveyard Shift
    Original score for the advance theatrical trailer
  6. Graveyard Shift - Trailer Music (01:25)
    from Children Of The Corn
    Original score for the advance theatrical trailer
  7. Graveyard Shift - Trailer Music (01:25)
    from Christine
    Original score for the advance theatrical trailer
  8. Graveyard Shift - Trailer Music (01:25)
    from Running Man, The
    Original score for the advance theatrical trailer
  9. Trailer Music (Bonus Track) * (02:03)
    from Man On A Mission: Richard Garriott's Road To The Stars
    * = music composed by John Constant & Samantha Constant
  10. Trailer Music (03:41)
    from Konchu Daisenso
  11. Trailer Music (02:09)
    from Species
  12. Trailer Music (02:09)
    from Species II
  13. Trailer Music (03:21)
    from Knowing
  14. Trailer Music (02:23)
    from Uru: Ages Beyond Myst
  15. Trailer Music (02:59)
    from Wanpaku ôji No Orochi Taiji
  16. Trailer Music* (03:26)
    from Knowing
  17. Trailer Music (03:21)
    from Knowing
  18. Trailer Music (01:03)
    from It's A Wonderful Life
  19. Trailer Music* (02:09)
    from Passion Of The Christ, The
  20. Trailer Music (03:21)
    from Knowing
Show all 20225 matching tracks